Find local support workers all over Australia

There are tens of thousands of support workers available Australia wide. Explore this page to find local support workers in your state or region.
Support worker prunes plant in garden while chatting to their older client sitting on garden wall.
Support worker prunes plant in garden while chatting to their older client sitting on garden wall.

22M+ Care hours delivered

27k+ Active NDIS and aged care clients

21k+ Active support workers

Coverage in Australia

When it comes to finding an independent support worker, we have almost 90% of Australia covered.
A map of Australia showing the total percentage of local postcodes with active support workers on Mable since 2014.
Graph: Total percentage of local postcodes with active support workers available since 2014

Coverage in Australia

When it comes to finding an independent support worker, we have almost 90% of Australia covered.
Graph: Total percentage of local postcodes with active support workers available since 2014
A map of Australia showing the total percentage of local postcodes with active support workers on Mable since 2014.

We connect people to a diverse community of support workers

Mable’s platform offers 180 search filters, including location, culture, language, gender, and qualifications. This level of personalisation empowers people with true choice and control.

Get to know the independent support workers on Mable:

  • 45% come from a cultural background other than Australian
  • 40% speak more than one language
  • 72% are female, and 28% are male
  • 30% hold either a Certificate III certification, a Nursing degree, or Allied Health qualifications.
Support worker helps two people with disabilities prepare vegetables at the kitchen bench.

Our community is growing

New clients and support workers are joining Mable every year.

A graph showing that the total number of clients and support workers who have joined Mable has increased every year.
A graph showing that the total number of clients and support workers who have joined Mable has increased every year.

Graph: Total number of clients and support workers by financial year.

A graph key.

Support workers by state​

Map of Australia with ACT highlighted

Australian Capital Territory​

Map of Australia with ACT highlighted

Australian Capital Territory​

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the growing
Mable community?

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