
News, articles and resources for independent support workers, consumers and businesses.

Oliver and his support worker Steph on the set of Independent Thoughts.

Independent Thoughts: Oliver and Steph

Meet comedian Oliver Hunter and his independent support worker, Steph. Discover their personable yet practical relationship and learn how their support relationship has opened up new possibilities for Oliver’s independence.

Occupational Therapist watches as teenager with autism pays for milkshakes during support session.

What we know about Australia’s first National Autism Strategy

In January, the Australian Government released its first National Autism Strategy, which aims to create a “safe and inclusive society where all autistic people are supported and empowered to thrive.” Learn more about the Strategy and what comes next.

Natalie standing in front of the Sydney Harbour Bridge.

Natalie’s journey to acceptance

Navigating your 20s is tough, but with a lifelong disability, it’s a masterclass in resilience. Natalie shares her journey to accepting her disability.

Support worker looks at mobile phone screen to manage clients on the Mable app.

A new and easy way to structure rates

We recently updated how rates are structured in new and existing agreements to ensure your chosen rate applies to each day and service using updated