Our low fees mean more hours of support for clients and better earnings for independent support workers.
Clients on Mable pay less per hour than online-employed and traditional providers, on average.
Average hourly rates*
*Average rates shown. There are no set rates on Mable, agree directly with your support worker, within our $38 minimum hourly rate and the NDIS price cap (when applicable).
The Mable rate is based on an average weekday hourly agreed rate for social support and domestic assistance in aged care and disability support observed on the Mable platform from 1 July 2024 – 31 December 2024. It includes an agreed rate of $55/hour plus Mable’s Client Platform Fee of 7.95%, totalling $59.
The online-employed platform rate displayed is the hourly rate to consumers (including superannuation) of $66.46/hour for weekday shifts occurring between 6.00am and 8.00pm. The rate is taken from the current price guide on their website as at 25 July 2024.
The traditional provider rate is taken from the NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits, valid from 1 July 2024. The line item is: – Assistance with Self Care Activities- Standard – Weekday – Daytime, item number 01_011_0107_1_1 of $67.56.
Workers on Mable earn more per hour than online-employed and traditional providers, on average.
Average hourly rates*
*Average rates shown. There are no set rates on Mable, agree directly with your client, within our $38 minimum hourly rate and the NDIS price cap.
The Mable rate is based on an average weekday hourly agreed rate for social support and domestic assistance in aged care and disability support observed on the Mable platform from 1 July 2024 – 31 December 2024. It includes an agreed rate of $55/hour minus the 10% Support Engagement Fee, totalling $50.
The online-employed platform rate displayed is the hourly rate for support workers (including superannuation) rate of $45.86/hour for weekday shifts occurring between 6.00am and 8.00pm. The rate is taken from the current price guide on their website as at 25 July 2024.
The “traditional provider” rate is taken from the Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Services Industry Award (SCHADS) Award, Social and Community Services employee level 2 – pay point 1 of $46.35 (including superannuation), as of 1 July 2024.
The 31% online employed provider fee represents the difference between what the client pays and the support worker earns as a percentage per hour of support for disability support workers. The rate is taken from the current price guide on their website as at 25 July 2024.
The traditional provider fee is based upon a sample of traditional providers offering services in disability and aged care. The fee represents the amount the client pays and the support worker earns as a percentage per hour of support. Prices have been taken from their websites as at 25 July 2024.
These are the average rates observed on the Mable platform for the period 1 July 2024 – 31 December 2024.
Disclaimer: Average hourly rates displayed above are indicative. The rates are calculated based on the average rate per support provider for shifts/timesheets delivered by relevant support workers on Mable from 1 July 2024 – 31 December 2024. The average rate includes the applicable Mable fee at the time. Average rates can differ, depending on support category, location, and level of experience. The figures and comparisons on this page are necessarily general.
Arrangements between independent workers and people who require their services (including hourly rate and hours of work) facilitated through the Mable platform will be the subject of agreement between the relevant individuals. The rate does not take into account other factors, such as total hours of work available or training, qualifications or experience.
A summary of Mable’s fee schedule, including the cost of support and all fees paid to Mable.
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*The agreed rate is a reference rate only and the amount payable by the Client (or Client Manager) will be the cumulative amount of the Fees in the table above which will be higher than the agreed rate.
We acknowledge the cultures of our First Nations Peoples and are thankful for the community that we share together now. We pay our respects to our First Nations Peoples and their elders/leaders, both past and present, and those who are rising up to become leaders.
Mable is a part of Attain Healthtech, dedicated to helping people attain better outcomes.
©2025 Mable Technologies Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.