What is an aged care support worker salary?

An older man and his support worker sitting on a park bench together.

Australia’s aged care system offers a range of options to meet the different care needs of each individual, and aged care workers are at the frontline providing the support and services to help meet these needs.

Is aged care a good job?

According to the 2020 Aged Care Workforce Census Report, there were just over 434,000 workers involved in the service care types of residential aged care, home care packages programs and the Commonwealth Home Support Program.

One of the primary tasks of an aged care support worker is to support the person to help improve the physical, social and emotional wellbeing of older people. Being a good support worker means you’re friendly, patient, adaptable and compassionate, and you enjoy offering help and ensuring older people are supported to live well. If you believe you have these qualities, then becoming an aged care support worker could be ideal for you.

To become an aged care support worker, you need certain skills and you can gain qualifications that will improve your skills and help you become a better support worker. The entry-level training for an aged care worker is a Certificate 3 in Individual Support. If you choose to study elective units from the categories of ageing and aged care, you will receive a specialised Certificate 3 in Individual Support (Ageing).

In terms of the job prospects for an aged care worker, these are very promising, and as a result of a report commissioned by the Australian Government on the aged care sector, new funding has been granted, with an emphasis on individualised support, as well as consumer-directed care.

All indicators from this report, as well as current trends, show the demand for support workers in Australia will continue to increase. In fact, according to occupation and skill level projections produced by the National Skills Commission, aged and disability carer roles are projected to record the largest growth of any industry for the period to November 2026 (up by 74,900 or a 28% increase).

How much do aged care workers get paid in Australia?

The Aged Care Award covers Australian employees and employers working on a full-time, part-time or casual basis in the aged care industry, as well as aged care pay rates in Australia. The aged care pay rate and allowances are guided by the Aged Care Award Pay Guide. You can also find information about how much aged care workers earn, award pay rates and entitlements using the Pay and Conditions Tool (P.A.C.T.).

However, independent support workers on Mable aren’t bound by the Aged Care Award, and have the freedom to set their own rates as they are independent contractors.

Independent support workers on Mable are not bound by the Aged Care Award

If you’re an independent support worker on Mable or considering this as your next step, you’re not bound by the Aged Care Award, and are therefore able to set your own rates. This also means that when you choose to become an independent support worker on Mable, you have the flexibility to choose where you work, when you work, what services you offer (that are in line with your training), and how much you charge.

What is the aged care support worker salary on Mable?

Aside from being able to choose how much you charge for your support services, you also get to choose the clients you work with and the hours you work. Find out how much you can earn when you sign up as a support worker on Mable.

There are many other benefits of becoming an independent support worker on Mable.

How can I become a support worker on Mable?

You will need to sign up on Mable to create a support worker account. You will need to provide the following information:

  • A completed Mable profile including bio and profile photo
  • A Checked Australia police check (applied for through the link provided in your Mable account)
  • An ABN Two professional and/or character references
  • Working with Children Check (if required)
  • Australian Drivers Licence (if providing transport services).

If you’ve set up your account correctly, it will be submitted for approval to our team. To learn about this process in more detail, explore our comprehensive guide Becoming a support worker on Mable. Once your account is approved, you can start looking for jobs on Mable.