Have you found your independent support worker buddies yet?

Just because you’re independent support worker providing support via Mable, doesn’t mean you’re flying solo. In fact, having a team of other independent workers to work with and bounce ideas off can be hugely beneficial. Read on to discover five reasons why you should find your buddies, and how you can go about it.

As a member of Mable’s community of independent support workers, you are working for yourself. Being the boss comes with certain responsibilities to your clients and your business. Finding yourself a team of like minded independent workers via the Mable platform can help you to deliver on your promises to clients and support you to run your business.

Here’s why it pays to start building your community:

1. You can share the load

Working independently means organising your own work schedule. You’re in charge but even so, your schedule can change week to week. As you build your client base, this can become a juggling act. Having a team of other workers that your client knows and trusts means you can lean on one another when your diary is looking a little crowded.

2. You can deliver exceptional customer service

Your clients are relying on you to be there for them. But inevitably, there will be times that you won’t be able to. Being your own boss doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t take time out for holidays. And of course, there’s the times you might need to be absent due to illness or family commitments. Being able to refer your client to another independent support worker when you can’t be there demonstrates your dedication to your working relationship.

3. It’s a way to expand your client base

Most clients on the Mable platform don’t just have one support worker; they engage a team of workers who support them in different aspects of their lives. Your buddies can introduce you to their network of clients, who might be looking for additional support.

4. You can support one another

There are many benefits to working independently – you can decide who you work with, when and where. Without co-workers however, there can be times when you feel a little isolated. Building a close-knit group of other independent workers can provide you with the camaraderie, advice or company that you might miss. Starting a chat group or regular catch up to share questions, advice and provide moral support day to day can make you feel like you are truly working in a team.

5. You can ensure true person-centred care

Working within a team to support the same clients can enable you to provide continuity of support that’s designed around the needs of the client. Becoming familiar with other support workers who are supporting your client can enable you to share shift notes, ideas on activities and important information about your client’s health and wellbeing. Working together to gain a better understanding of your client and their needs will improve the quality of support for them, and make your job that little bit easier.

Ready to get out there and find your buddies? Here are three ways to do it!

1. Attend or organise a meetup!

Mable’s community engagement managers regularly host meetups in key locations across the country. They’re a fantastic opportunity to network with other support workers, ask questions of the Mable team and share information on training opportunities or news from your sector. And they are a great place to meet potential buddies. If there are none happening in your area, there’s no reason why you can’t organise your own. To find out about events happening in your area, visit www.mable.com.au/events

2. Join our closed Facebook group

The closed Facebook group has been created for approved independent workers offering support via Mable only. It’s a safe space for you to chat with other motivated independent care and support workers – and a great place to find potential buddies in your group.

3. Invite people from outside the Mable platform to provide support

Maybe you have a friend who would make a great companion for one of your existing clients via Mable. Perhaps you have a client who wants to get active, and a fit and healthy friend who’s looking for some flexible work. You don’t require specific qualifications to provide social and domestic support to clients on the Mable platform, so encouraging people from within your own community to sign up as an independent worker is a great way to help your clients find that extra support they’re looking for.

Not yet signed up but interested in providing support to people in your neighbourhood? Create your account for free today.

A support worker’s guide to Mable news

A support worker’s guide to Mable news