How do payments work on Mable?

A woman sitting down and looking at her phone.

As an independent support worker on Mable, you are an independent contractor, running your small business on the platform. As such, you have the opportunity to negotiate your rates with clients on Mable.

To address any questions you might have around payments, we have created a quick guide on how payments work on Mable.

First things first: the agreement

After the meet and greet, and before you begin working with your client, it’s important to have an approved agreement in place. Why? As an independent support worker, you’re self-employed, which means you have the freedom and flexibility to choose what support services you provide, who you book with, what you charge for your work and how much you work. Because each session may be different, your agreement is important as it sets out the basis of your engagement with your client – with all of the details you’ve discussed and agreed upon, together.

Having an agreement in place also ensures you are covered by our safeguards (including a suite of insurances arranged on your behalf) to make sure you and your client are protected for every support session booked via Mable.

How do I get paid?

You can learn more about the different payment options in our Help Centre.

Once your agreement is approved, you can begin delivering support sessions and submitting support notes. To request and receive payments on Mable, there are five steps:

  1. After the support session is complete, submit your Support Hours on Mable under the ‘Support Hours’ tab. Within this option, you can provide Support Notes. Here you can detail what was done on the shift and make a special note should there be any incidents that occur. Ensure these notes are professional and objective. 
  2. The client or representative will approve your Support Hours within Mable – typically within 24 hours – and an invoice is created. You will know if your Support Hours are approved from the ‘client approved’ column within your Support Hours. If your Support Hours have been rejected, please contact your client for information.
  3. Mable invoices the person or organisation responsible for the client’s funding source. 
  4. The person or organisation will then pay the invoice. Payment times may vary depending on the client’s funding source. Mable follows up invoices that aren’t paid under our terms of use.
  5. Mable sends your payment – minus our Support Engagement Fee – to your nominated bank account. We’ll process your payment when we receive it from the funding source within 1-2 business days

We hope this guide is helpful for you. At Mable, we are here to support you with running and building your small business on our platform, in any way we can. If you have any questions relating to payments, please call us on 1300 73 65 73. To know more about payments, explore our Help Centre articles on payments


There are three payment options on Mable. When you receive your payments depends on which option you choose:

  • Regular payments – your payment will be sent to you within two business days from when we collect the payment from your client. Payment collection times depend on the client’s funding source and payment method and can vary. We follow up on any overdue or unpaid payments as per our terms of use.
  • Express Pay – Mable has partnered with PayNow Finance to offer Express Pay. Express Pay guarantees you receive payment within 3 business days (subject to eligibility). You can select the Express Pay payment option in support hours. A 1.5% fee applies.
  • 10-Day Payments – If you are eligible for 10-Day Payments, and you’ve turned on this payment option (on your billing page or in account settings on mobile), Mable Payment Services pays your eligible support hours within 10 days, from approval, even if the payment is still being collected from the client or their funding source. So, if we’ve not collected your payment by day 10, we’ll pay you the value of your support hours, and take ownership of the invoice and responsibility for collection of payment for that invoice. If we collect your payment sooner, you’ll be paid right away.

If greater certainty about when you’ll be paid or being paid more quickly helps you, we’ve partnered with PayNow Finance Pty Ltd to offer Express Pay. Express Pay is an optional feature that guarantees your invoice is paid in 3 business days (subject to eligibility). You can access this in the Support Hours tab. A 1.5% fee will be applied if you use this option. Learn more about Express Pay on our website.

A support worker’s guide to Mable news

A support worker’s guide to Mable news