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  • My package provider says if we book with Mable, the staff member must si...

My package provider says if we book with Mable, the staff member must sign a sub-contract agreement. Is that true?

There is no one answer.

Some providers are developing a new approach to meet government standards and consumers’ right to choose. 

Some are more progressive in thinking through those issues, while others are stuck in the old world. 

Some providers will allow their clients to use Mable on an understanding of how the platform works. Others have additional checks they’d like to implement, and we have had providers who wanted to enter an agreement. 

Some providers have a standard sub-contracting agreement that they might put in place with another organisation that’s 20 pages long. Others have a short two-page contract they’d like to enter into. 

Providers are often coming up with solutions that might work for their clients. 

We are happy to speak to providers to talk to them about what they’re doing. Please contact us so we can learn more about how we can help you.