It’s game on as Mable takes professional development to a new level

woman in bright home office environment smiling while working on laptop

Introducing a whole new approach to professional development for Independent Support Workers

In an exciting new initiative to help small businesses across Australia grow, Mable is proud to provide independent support workers with an innovative approach to support worker training.

We have secured an exclusive deal with Enabler for a premium new training program, now available for free to active support workers on Mable.

This industry-exclusive gamified training allows workers of all experience levels to simulate real-life client scenarios through engaging mini-games at their own pace.

Ideal for busy workers who have limited time to complete training, the interactive training is a unique way for you to upskill, boost confidence and help grow your client base on Mable.

Upskill with gamified training

Training modules include:

Working professionally

(Duration: 40 minutes)

Ever wondered what it means when we say ‘working professionally’ and how it relates to your role as a support worker? Learn tips including:

  • Common areas where ‘working professionally’ may be breached.
  • Solutions to prevent and address a breach of professional boundaries.
  • When and who to escalate concerns or issues relating to working professionally.
  • Why reporting or communicating is important for support workers.

This knowledge can help build strategies to understand the nature of the professional relationship with your client, including inappropriate relationships and gift giving. This module also covers duty of care, legal implications and boundary setting.

Disability awareness

(Duration: 20 minutes)

An introduction to supporting clients with disability, featuring lessons on:

  • Disability etiquette
  • How to communicate with people with disability
  • Awareness of the types of common disabilities
  • Types of challenges people with disabilities can face

PPE: Droplet Precautions

(Duration: 30 minutes)

Keeping the Mable Community safe is our utmost priority. This course helps explain Personal Protective Equipment’s (PPE) role in droplet virus precautions and preventing the spread of infection. Workers can learn more about PPE, including:

  • How infection can spread throughout the environment and from one environment to the next.
  • How PPE and hand hygiene can be used to prevent infection from spreading.

    Well done! You gave Lowanna choice and control.

    Behaviours that challenge

    (Duration: two modules, 60 minutes in total)

    Sometimes, support workers may experience clients expressing challenging behaviour. Spread across two modules, you’ll learn more about how to support clients with challenging behaviour, including:

    • Explaining why a person might have challenging behaviour.
    • Knowing how to support the person with complex behaviours to respond differently.
    • Strategies for reducing the likelihood or impact of challenging behaviour.

    You can access Enabler training by logging onto the Mable Learning Hub. Don’t have an account? Sign up to Mable to get access to this training.


    Enabler hosts this training through their specialised app, and is a separate feature of the Mable Learning Hub.

    No. Once you’ve downloaded the app, all training is provided within the app rather than online.

    While the training modules may take up to 2.5 hours to complete, workers can take training at their own pace. You can save your progress and resume training anytime.

    Access is available via the Mable Learning Hub for all active support workers on Mable. If you don’t have an account, you can sign up with Mable to gain access to this training.

    A support worker’s guide to Mable news

    A support worker’s guide to Mable news