Set your support worker rates on Mable

A young man using his phone.

One of the key benefits of being a support worker on Mable is that you have the opportunity to negotiate with each client about what you charge for your support services. This starts with advertising your indicative rates on your profile as part of completing the six key steps to getting started.

Setting your support worker rates

When creating your Mable profile, you can provide an indication of your hourly or flat rates. These ‘indicative rates’ for weekdays, weekends and 24-hour shifts are displayed to any client viewing your profile on Mable.

How do ‘indicative rates’ work?

Indicative rates are a guide to potential clients for the hourly rates you charge for support delivered through Mable. They can be updated as needed, and are a starting point for negotiating agreed rates with each of your clients.

You or your client might suggest raising or lowering your rates based on various factors, including:

  • The complexity of the services (for example, you might be highly qualified, but the client requires only domestic assistance)
  • Location
  • Travel time
  • Expenses you might incur
  • The length of the support session
  • Whether it’s a one-off or ongoing engagement.

If your indicative rates seem unreasonable to a potential client, or there appears to be a mismatch between your rates, skills and experience, clients may choose to enter into an agreement with another support worker.

You cannot enter an indicative rate or agree to a contract rate below $38 per hour on Mable. Learn more about how to negotiate or discuss rates with a client.

Factors to consider when setting indicative rates

  • Your qualifications, skills and experience
  • Rates of other workers in your area offering similar services or who have similar levels of skills and experience. Mable’s community of independent workers is incredibly valuable when connecting with support worker peers
  • Ratings/reviews from clients regarding the quality and reliability of your services
  • The services you offer. For example, do you offer any specialised services?
  • Budget limitations of your potential client. Depending on their type of funding (aged care or NDIS) and level of funding, clients may have certain budget limitations. This doesn’t mean you need to undervalue your support; instead, consider the budgets they are working with.
Remember that as an independent support worker, you are responsible for taxes and contributions to superannuation, also considering times you might be sick or on holiday. It’s also important to factor in that the actual rate you will receive will be 10% less than the agreed rate due to Mable’s Support Engagement Fee.

Support types and their indicative rates on Mable

Social support and domestic assistance

Social support and domestic assistance include a wide range of support and services such as help around the house and garden, assistance with shopping and meal preparation, support accessing the community or preparing for work. Providing these services does not necessarily require experience, but these services are important to many clients in helping them to live independently and be included in their communities, socially and economically.

The average rates observed on Mable for these broad services are in the range of:

  • $50 to $60 per hour on weekdays
  • $57 to $81 per hour on weekends.

Personal care

On Mable, essential personal care services are performed by support workers with relevant qualifications or at least two years of experience in performing tasks that assist with a person’s hygiene. Personal care services include showering, toileting, managing continence needs, dressing, eating, medication and mobility assistance, which are vital in maintaining independence.

The average rates observed on Mable for support workers who offer these services are:

  • $51 to $60 per hour on weekdays
  • $63 to $86 per hour on weekends.

Please note the average hourly rate ranges displayed above are indicative only. They are calculated based on the average rate per support provider for session/support hours delivered by the majority of relevant support workers on Mable from 1 July 2024 – 31 December 2024 for all clients and filtered by service type. The rate range includes the applicable Mable fee at the time. Rate ranges can differ, depending on support category, location and level of experience.

Flat rates

In setting an indicative flat rate for a 24-hour or overnight session, remember to consider the times you are active versus when you are passive or sleeping.

Remember, you and your client need to agree on the rates you include in your service agreement.

Next, read our guide on finding the jobs that resonate with you and where you can build a great support connection with your clients.


Once your agreement is approved by the client, you can begin delivering support sessions and submitting support notes. To request and receive payments on Mable, there are five steps:

  1. After the support session is complete, submit your support hours
  2. The client or representative will approve your support hours
  3. Mable invoices the person or organisation responsible for the client’s funding source
  4. The person or organisation will then pay the invoice
  5. Mable sends your payment – minus our Support Engagement Fee – to your nominated bank account.

Learn in more detail about these and how completing these is key to processing payments on Mable.

The NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits sets the maximum rates that can be paid by plan and agency-managed NDIS participants. These maximum rates are intended for use by NDIS Registered Providers who tend to have higher overheads reflecting their regulatory responsibilities. As a non-registered, small business with lower overheads, you have the opportunity to charge a more cost-effective rate benefiting you and your clients.