Five ways to help you maintain independence as you age

A group of senior friends having a conversation over tea.

If you ask older Australians what they aspire for as they age, chances are, ‘remaining independent’ will be among the top goals. Many Australians aim to age ‘in place’, in the comfort and familiarity of their own home.

Here are five ways you can take steps now to remain independent for longer.

Have support at hand

The Guardian took a look at ways in which housing design can encourage independent living. They interviewed a number of housing professionals who identified onsite care as a key aspect to creating homes that support independence. While most people do not have high care needs, help at hand creates an important ‘safety net’ for people as they age. When looking specifically at creating housing for people with dementia, building experts advocated for the removal of specific ‘dementia wings’ as;

“The stimulation of being part of a more diverse community and the support networks that emerge are far better for their wellbeing.”

Even if you’re not living in a retirement village, Mable allows you to access support you need from within your existing community. By engaging with local independent support workers, you’re tapping into a network of help just around the corner.

Stay connected to people and purpose

Supported by National Geographic, author Dan Buettner has spent a decade identifying the seven ‘blue zones’ – hot spots of longevity around the world. His research uncovered that, amongst other things, close social and familial bonds, a sense of purpose and a propensity to continue working longer were key factors in living longer and healthier lives.

For many Mable clients, engaging the support of an independent support worker is about helping them to remain connected to their community. Whether it’s simply about being able to visit their favourite barista a couple of times a week or attending a regular class or social event, there are lots of small ways to maintain important social connections. Having a social commitment, hobby or something to drive you can also go a long way to maintaining personal identity and mental health. 

Stay active

Exercise has so many benefits for all ages and in the case of people as they age, they could include greater flexibility, prevention of falls, better bone density, keeping illness at bay through stronger immunity, reducing the risk of dementia and maintaining independence.

Exercise doesn’t need to be all-or-nothing. There are many small ways to improve your wellbeing one step at a time.

These include:

  • Working movement into your everyday life. This can be as small as stretching or larger walking around the block
  • Getting outside as much as possible
  • Incidental exercise (like walking around the house)
  • Engaging in activities.

Get (virtually) connected

Staying connected is not just about remaining part of a community. It’s also about adapting to technology that’s available to help you manage your affairs.

Learning new skills in technology not only helps to exercise your brain, it’s equipping you with the tools that you can use to connect with others and independently manage life admin for longer.

Be proactive about health concerns

As we age, it can be easy to accept health complaints as a normal part of ageing. Taking early action about a health complaint, or even just regular health screenings can help you address your health in older age.

As reported by Aged Care Guide, a study by Flinders University found that a full health screening at around age 40 revealed, on average, five unidentified health problems – even in healthy individuals. The good news was that many of these were reversible and simple changes in lifestyle led to health improvements amongst the participants within six months.

Sign up to Mable and find local independent support workers.