
Mable supports five artists to pursue their creative dreams

Headshots: Matt Elliot, Bedelia, Jeremy, Luke Abdallah, Julia Faragher


Mable supports five artists to pursue their creative dreams

Headshots: Matt Elliot, Bedelia, Jeremy, Luke Abdallah, Julia Faragher


At Mable, we are all about fostering diversity and inclusion in every aspect of life. In line with this belief and commitment, Mable is sponsoring the prestigious Bundanon Trust Artist-in-Residence program, to support five artists to pursue their creative dreams through art.

Headshots: Matt Elliot, Bedelia, Jeremy, Luke Abdallah, Julia Faragher
Image description: Five vertical columns with a headshot in each column, featuring: Matt Elliot, Bedelia Lowrenčev, Jeremy Lowrenčev, Luke Abdallah and Julia Faragher.

The largest of its kind in Australia, the residency partnership with Accessible Arts is highly sought after by artists nationally and specifically supports artists with disability or who are d/Deaf.

The residency will take place 12-18 September at the renowned Bundanon Trust estate – a beautiful rural property near Nowra that was gifted to the Australian people by famous Australian artist Arthur Boyd. The estate now supports arts practice and engagement with the arts through residency, education, exhibition and performance programs.

The five participating artists are Jeremy & Bedelia Lowrenčev, Julia Faragher, Matt Elliott and Luke Abdallah.

Funds for this residency program were raised through a community fundraising program and sponsored by Mable. Accessible Arts CEO Liz Martin says, “Artists with disability don’t always get the same opportunities as artists without disability due to a range of physical, financial and cultural barriers. This program is all about trying to level the playing field for professional artists with disability so they can take their creativity and their careers to the next level.”

“We’d like to thank our program sponsor, Mable, and everyone who has contributed for their kindness and generosity. This support is going to make a huge difference in the lives of these five very talented artists.”

Mable CEO and co-founder, Peter Scutt, says: “We are so proud to be partnering with Accessible Arts to support the prestigious Bundanon Trust Artist-in-Residence program. Here at Mable we are passionate about enabling unique and inclusive lives and programs such as these, which foster diversity and inclusion in the arts are so important both for the artists involved and for the wider community.”

To know more about this residency and the artists, visit the Accessible Arts website.
