FAQs: travel rates

Mable travel rate update

From 26 July 2024, Mable’s customer platform fee (7.95%) and support worker platform fee (10%) will apply to agreed per kilometre travel rates.

Mable will automatically add the customer platform fee to agreed travel rates and deduct the support worker platform fee from agreed travel rates from 26 July 2024.

We’ve compiled a list of answers to questions you may have about this update.

For more information on how travel rates work, please refer to our guide to travel rates on Mable.

How do travel rates work?

Travel rates are the amount a support worker charges a client for their travel costs. The amount is charged per kilometre.

The travel rate is agreed upon between the support worker and the client before the relationship begins.

When clients are paying for travel rates, an additional 7.95% of the total amount will be applied from 26 July 2024 – this amount will be paid as a fee to Mable.

For example:

If the travel rate agreed upon between the support worker and client in the agreement amounts to $15 for a support session, the 7.95% fee will be calculated on top of the travel rate and an additional $1.19 will be applied and payable by the client. This makes the total travel rate (travel rate + customer platform fee of 7.95%) $16.19. The $1.19 is paid to Mable.

For support workers, Mable’s 10% support worker platform fee applies to travel rates as set out in the agreement, which is $15 in this example. When receiving their travel rates payment, 10% of the amount is deducted (in this case, equating to $1.50) and paid to Mable (travel rate – support worker platform fee of 10%), which means the worker would receive $13.50.

For more information on how travel rates work, visit our Help Centre.

Will these changes apply to new and existing agreements on Mable?

Yes, Mable will apply its platform fees to travel rates in new and existing agreements from 26 July 2024.

Why have you done this?

The application of our platform fees to travel rates aligns with our previous practice where travel rates were included in the general hourly rate agreed between the support provider and client. From December 2022, Mable introduced the function where travel fees could be split out as a separate rate. At that time, Mable chose not to charge platform fees on the travel rates. We are now realigning our practice with our previous position where platform fees will be charged on travel rates in the same manner as other rates through our platform.

Mable remains committed to offering exceptional value to support workers and their clients, including having some of the lowest overall fees in the sector.

As a client, do I need to take any action?

No, you do not need to take any action. The customer platform fee will automatically be applied to any travel rates that are incurred by you from 26 July 2024.

As a support worker, do I need to adjust my rates?

It is your choice whether you wish to adjust your rates to factor in the support worker platform fee that will be charged on travel rates. Additionally, if you’re a support worker of an NDIS plan-managed client, you may consider updating your rates to align with the NDIS Price Guide recommendation.

An agreed rate with your client of $0.89 or less per kilometre with the fee applied (of which you will receive $0.80) will keep you within the NDIS Price Guide recommendation for most types of transport and may prevent payment delays from plan managers.

As a support worker, can I claim transport as an expense on my tax?

As we are unable to offer tax advice, we recommend you meet with an accountant, tax advisor or financial advisor. We have negotiated discounted rates with our tax partner, YouTax. They also have a Webinar titled “Business Expenses, what to claim, what not to and tracking motor vehicle costs” created in conjunction with the ATO, which you may find helpful.

As a support worker, my support hours weren’t approved in time for the 26 July 2024 invoice. Will I be charged the support worker platform fee on travel rates?

No, the support worker platform fee on travel rates will only be applied on invoices related to support hours submitted on and after 26 July 2024.

As a support worker, if I haven't lodged my support hours by 26 July 2024, what happens?

The support worker platform fee will be applied to travel rates on any invoices related to support hours submitted on or after 26 July 2024, regardless of when the work took place. Therefore if you submit your support hours on or after 26 July 2024 for a support session that occurred before 26 July 2024, the platform fees will apply to the travel rates in the associated invoice.