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  • How to contact and book a support worker on Mable

How to contact and book a support worker on Mable

This is a guide about how to message independent support people on the Mable platform and how to negotiate an offer when you are ready to book them.

Contact and book a support worker

Step one: You can message support people on Mable by going onto their profile and selecting the ‘contact’ button.

Step two: When you click the ‘contact’ button, it will take you to a conversation page where you can talk about your needs, rates and preferred hours with the support person.

Step three: Once you have typed a message to the support person, click the ‘send’ button. Once the support person has replied, we recommend having a phone conversation or scheduling an interview before booking them.

Step four: Once you have reached an agreement with the support person, they will send you an offer for your approval (please note: you will not be able to accept an offer without providing Mable with your payment details). If you are happy with the offer from the support person, you can click ‘accept’ – when you click ‘accept’ you have officially booked the support person and a deposit will be taken from your credit card or other payment method. After accepting an offer, you will then be able to see the support person’s contact details and they will be able to see yours. If you do not agree with the offer you can click ‘decline’, and this will send a message back to the support person for them to amend the offer.
Step five: You can also terminate the agreement at any time by clicking ‘terminate agreement’.