Every once in a while you may become ill or unable to attend a scheduled shift for one of your clients.
For situations like this it is great to have a “buddy” on the Mable website who can potentially fill in for you when necessary, and vice versa. You can find a Mable buddy by attending our care worker meetups and networking with other care workers, joining our closed Mable Care Worker Facebook group, or by finding other workers on the platform with similar qualifications. If you find a worker on the platform you would like to get in contact with, let us know and we can help facilitate this.
In addition, you might already work with, or have a friend, who would make a perfect buddy on the Mable platform. Refer them to us, so they can start a profile. Care workers who work in teams enjoy piece of mind knowing that if they need to take a day off, there will be someone else available to help.
If you have a buddy on the platform who might be filling in for one of your clients in future, make sure you have both sent offers to the client to accept. Offers need to be accepted by clients before you can begin any work, so it is a good idea to have this done in advance.
Please note that under no circumstance should a friend cover a shift of yours if they are not an approved worker on our platform. This is against our terms of use and any work done outside the platform is not covered by insurance.