How agreements work on Mable

What is an agreement?

When a client and a support worker discuss the job details, they will discuss what services will be provided, a schedule, and rates. Once these details have been settled, the support worker will send the client an agreement outlining all the details they discussed and agreed on. An agreement should be as detailed as possible, and all discussions should happen in-platform for the safety of everyone involved.

An agreement should include:

  • Where the support services will occur
  • When the services will occur (time, days)
  • What types of support you will be receiving
  • The agreed hourly or flat rates for the support services, including rates for public holidays
  • What kind of activities the support worker will be helping you complete
  • Terms about minimum hours per support session, cancellation policy, policy on finishing early or late, etc.
  • Terms on when the agreement may be changed, updated or terminated and what happens in each case
  • Terms related to feedback and complaints and how they should be handled.

Once a support worker offers an agreement, the client must accept it before the support worker can begin working. The agreement will remain Pending in a support worker’s account until the client accepts it.

If an agreement has not been accepted, the support worker is not covered by insurance for any work they do.

How to create an agreement

Mable provides support workers on our platform with a built-in agreement template that captures the details they’ve decided on with their client. They then send it to the client for review and approval.

The sections marked with an asterisk are mandatory. Other sections are optional, but we recommend including all relevant information to make your agreement as detailed as possible. Being specific will help avoid misunderstandings.

Please note there are different instructions depending on whether you are logged into your account on a browser (for example, Google Chrome or Safari) or the mobile app.

Create an agreement

Support workers on a browser, follow these steps:

  1. Log in
  2. Select Inbox from the menu options on the left.
  3. Select the chat with the relevant client
  4. Select the “i” icon in the top right-hand corner
  5. Select Offer an agreement
  6. Select the relevant job
  7. Fill in the fields (Rates may pre-populate, but you can make changes as required to meet the one you have negotiated with your client)
  8. Select Send agreement.

Support workers on the mobile app, follow these steps:

  1. Log in
  2. Select Inbox
  3. Select the relevant client
  4. Select the “i” icon in the top right-hand corner
  5. Select Create agreement
  6. Select the relevant job
  7. Fill in the fields (Rates may pre-populate, but you can make changes as required to meet the one you have negotiated with your client)
  8. Select Send agreement

How clients accept, view and terminate agreements

Please note there are different instructions depending on whether you are logged into your account on a browser (for example, Google Chrome or Safari) or the mobile app.

View and accept an agreement

Clients using a browser, follow these steps:

  1. Log in
  2. Select My support workers
  3. Select Pending
  4. Select View agreement under the relevant support worker
  5. Review the details
  6. At the bottom of this screen, you can either message the support worker, accept the agreement, or decline the agreement

Clients on the mobile app, follow these steps:

  1. Log in
  2. Select Workers
  3. Select Agreements
  4. Select the support worker with a Pending label beneath their name
  5. Review the details
  6. At the bottom of this screen, you can either message the support worker, accept the agreement, or decline the agreement

View or terminate an agreement you’ve already accepted

Clients using a browser follow these steps:

  1. Log in
  2. Select Workers
  3. Select Agreements
  4. Select the relevant support worker’s name
  5. Review the agreement details
  6. If you want to terminate the agreement, scroll to the bottom and select Terminate

Clients on the mobile app follow these steps:

  1. Log in
  2. Select Workers
  3. Select Agreements
  4. Select the relevant support worker’s name
  5. Review the agreement details
  6. If you want to terminate the agreement, scroll to the bottom and select Terminate

How support workers view and edit agreements

Please note there are different instructions depending on whether you are logged into your account on a browser (for example, Google Chrome or Safari) or the mobile app.

View, edit or terminate an active agreement

Support workers using a browser, please follow these steps:

  1. Log in
  2. Select My clients in the left-hand menu bar
  3. Select Active
  4. Select View agreement below the relevant client
  5. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and select the arrow to the right of Manage agreement
  6. Select Update agreement or Terminate agreement
  7. Make the required changes
  8. Select Save and send to [client’s name] OR Terminate agreement depending on whether you’re amending or terminating

Support workers using the mobile app, please follow these steps:

  1. Log in
  2. Select Clients in the bottom menu bar
  3. Select Agreements
  4. Select the relevant client
  5. Read the existing agreement
  6. To edit or terminate the agreement, scroll down to the bottom of the page and select Amend or Terminate
  7. Make the required changes
  8. Select Save and send to [client’s name] OR Terminate agreement depending on whether you’re amending or terminating

View, edit or terminate a pending agreement

(Please note a pending agreement can only be terminated via the mobile app.)

Support workers using a browser, please follow these steps:

  1. Log in
  2. Select My clients in the left-hand menu bar
  3. Select Pending
  4. Select View offer below the relevant agreement
  5. Make the required changes
  6. Select Save and send to [client’s name]

Support workers using the mobile app, please follow these steps:

  1. Log in
  2. Select Clients in the bottom menu bar
  3. Select Agreements
  4. Select the client with a Pending label beneath their name
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select Amend or Delete
  6. If amending, make the required changes
  7. Select Send

What does a client do if they disagree with an agreement?

An agreement can be rejected, for example, if the agreed-upon times are incorrect.

If this happens, clients are allowed to reject the agreement. They should contact their support worker first to explain why and discuss fixing the terms of the agreement. The support worker will then send a new agreement with the correct details. Once the client is happy with the agreement, they should accept it, and the support worker can begin working.

What if a client can't accept an agreement?

Clients will not be able to accept an agreement until their Mable account is completely set up. This includes filling out emergency contact information and payment details – which need to be verified. This is to protect both clients and support workers.

What happens if an agreement is cancelled or terminated?

If a support worker terminates an agreement or a client cancels an agreement, the booked job cannot proceed.

This means the client will need to find a new support worker if they still want to fill the job. This can be done by searching support worker profiles or posting a new job ad.

When a client views a terminated agreement, they will be presented with the option to Find worker. Selecting this option will create a ready-made job post with pre-populated details from the terminated job, so the client can post a new job ad without starting from scratch.