How to use your NDIS funding to build a team of support workers with Mable

Young woman living with disability smiling with support worker

Although the NDIS is meant to simplify obtaining supports, it can be challenging for those navigating it for the first time. So, we’d like to share some good news about Mable and the NDIS, and show you how to use your funding to build a team of support workers around your goals.

If you have access to NDIS funding, how you work with us depends on how the funding is being managed.

Can I use Mable if I’m self-managed?

Yes, you can! You can register on our website and start searching and connecting with independent support workers. You’re welcome to message them directly or to Post a Job to a few workers. When you’ve found someone you’d like to engage, we’ll just need a copy of the page in your NDIS plan that confirms you’re self-managed. Timesheets and invoices are kept online, and you can easily access them for reporting.

Mable client David has sourced people from his local community and asked them join Mable as Independent Support Workers so they can be part of his team. He is currently self-managing half of his plan while “he gets to know the NDIS and its ins and outs”. David self-manages his community access, health and wellbeing, consumables and support coordination.

David says, “You just have a lot more freedom of choice to allocate the funds as you choose and it is stress-free. There is no approval process that can take up valuable time. All you need to do to self-manage is set up a simple spreadsheet to track your spending and develop a monthly budget so you don’t overspend.”

What about if I’m plan managed?

Yes, you can work with us! Sign up and search for the support that’s right for you. Once you’ve found someone, we’ll need to confirm your funding. Your plan manager will then need to email us advising they will pay invoices on your behalf. It’ll take us a day to verify your account, then you can engage your first independent support worker.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I only use one provider?

Under the NDIS you’re no longer limited to just one service provider. You get to mix and match your support providers, in a way that works best for you and your lifestyle.

Can I only use an NDIS registered provider?

If your NDIS funding is Plan-Managed or Self-managed you’re able to maximise your choice and control regarding what providers you choose by engaging both registered and non registered providers. 

Is it safe?

We have industry leading safeguards in place and take the safety of our community very seriously. Our independent worker onboarding process is one of the most rigorous in the business, and we arrange insurances on behalf of workers for any services invoiced through the Mable platform. Find out more about client safeguards.

What if I can’t find the right worker?

If you ever reach a roadblock, you can contact your dedicated support specialist who can work with you to build your team. They will help you search the profiles of independent support workers, craft a job post, and shortlist independent workers to arrange a meet and greet with. You can even bring on board people in the community who have supported you in the past, whether that’s a friend, neighbour or personal trainer, for example.