A guide to Home Care Package consumables

Support worker smiles as they feed an older person living with Dementia laying in bed at home.

What can I spend my Home Care Package on?

The Home Care Package (HCP) is designed to help you remain living independently and safely in your own home. The funding can be used to pay for care, services and goods that align to your specific care needs.

Depending on your HCP level and needs, your funds can be used on the following:

  • Personal care services
  • In-home support and maintenance
  • Support for continence management
  • Transport support
  • Mobility
  • Nursing care, allied health and therapy services.

What products can I buy with my Home Care Package?

In addition to services, you can use your HCP to purchase goods, equipment and assistive technology (GEAT) to assist you in your everyday life.

Depending on your care needs, and level of HCP, these can range from specialised eating utensils to mobility aids. These products are used for either short-term or ongoing support, and may be recommended or prescribed by a healthcare professional.

Some examples of products covered by HCPs:

  • Specialised eating utensils
  • Enteral feeding equipment
  • Continence management products such as bedpans, catheters and general continence aids
  • Mobility aids such as crutches, walkers, walking frames and walking sticks
  • Shower chairs
  • Safety equipment
  • Assistive technology

Where can I purchase goods and equipment using my Home Care Package?

You can purchase everyday consumables through providers such as Mable Direct.

Mable Direct is an e-commerce site where you can buy consumables related to your care needs, and ship them direct to your home.

There is a wide range of affordable consumables available, including:

The consumables available on Mable Direct can be purchased using your HCP funding, provided they align with your needs.

Simply save your invoice from Mable Direct and claim through Services Australia.

You can learn more about HCP funding in our Home Care Package topic library.

To browse Mable Direct, or to make your first purchase, visit www.mabledirect.com.au.


Your care needs are determined during your initial Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT) assessment. This assessment determines your eligibility for a Home Care Package, and in turn assesses your needs for living safely and independently in your home.

Aside from your ACAT assessment, other professionals, such as general practitioners, registered nurses and health practitioners operating within their scope of practice can also recommend and prescribe products that can be purchased using your Home Care Package.

You cannot use your Home Package funding on items and services that do not align to your specific care needs. Some examples include:

  • Groceries (with the exception of medically prescribed supplementary food products, such as vitamins)
  • Household appliances and whitegoods
  • Electronics
  • Entertainment
  • Rent or mortgage payments
  • Household bills
  • Travel
  • Home modifications that aren’t directly related to your care needs.

No, if you are part of CAPS you cannot use your HCP on continence products, as they have already been subsidised by the government.