
New Coordinator features you need to know

Support coordinator and their client with disability sit at a laptop to search for support workers.


New Coordinator features you need to know

Support coordinator and their client with disability sit at a laptop to search for support workers.


At Mable, we know how important it is for you to quickly get the best care for your clients. Here are the new features that will make your Mable experience easier, faster and more streamlined.

Create your own shortlist and bulk message shortlisted workers

Now you can easily create your own support worker shortlist for all your clients, without having to log in and out of a client’s account. 

You can also bulk message shortlisted support workers on behalf of your clients, saving you time on individually messaging these support workers. 

How it works

  1. If you like a worker, click on the Shortlist icon to add them to your shortlist. For example, you can shortlist workers from responses from all your job posts in Manage Jobs.
  2. Go to ‘Shortlist’ in your Coordinator Dashboard to see all workers that have been shortlisted across all clients.
  3. Select ‘Message workers’ to send a bulk message.
  4. Select or search for the client(s) that you want to send the bulk message on behalf of.
  5. Following the prompts, you will be brought to a page where you can draft and send the message to your selected support workers.

Book support up to 30% faster by sharing public job posts to recommended workers

After posting a public job, you will now be prompted to share job posts with recommended workers , and can easily track responses from the Manage Jobs page. 

How it works

  1. After a public job is posted, there will now be a prompt to share the job post with recommended workers. 
  2. Easily share your job post with up to 10 recommended workers by clicking ‘Share job with [X] workers’. 
  3. You can see the responses in Manage Jobs. If you’re unhappy with your responses, you have the option to share the public job post with more recommended workers, by clicking ‘Share job with [X] workers’ in the ‘Other recommended workers’ section at the bottom of the page. 
  4. To track the responses, there will now be clear visibility on the number of responses you have received in Manage Jobs.

Post a job without logging in as a client

You can now post a standard or last minute job for coordinator-managed and self-managed client accounts without logging into the client’s account, making it much simpler and faster to post jobs for multiple clients. 

How it works

  1. Once you log in, select ‘Post a Job’ on the top right-hand corner of your dashboard.
  2. Type the client’s name into the pop-up (it will autofill with the client’s name to allow for easy selection).

Post a standard or last minute job using the same simple steps.

Explore these new features on your Mable account now.

If you have any questions on these new features, please reach out to
