As a support worker on Mable, you can use your account to manage your jobs and clients.
In Manage clients (or Clients on the mobile app) you will find:
- Jobs shared with you by clients and the option to let them know if you’re interested
- Jobs you’ve applied for
- The option to message clients.
To manage clients and jobs from your Mable account, follow these steps:
- Login to your Mable account
- On your browser select Manage clients, on the app select Clients
- On this page you will find Jobs shared with you and Jobs you’ve applied for
- Select a job to review the job’s details or to message the client
- To remove a card from the list select Remove from list (please note, this does not withdraw your application).
On the app, the Clients window also includes a tab for Agreements. Select this to review your agreements with clients. These include the Agreed support services, Agreed rates, and Agreed terms for each job you’ve accepted.
On your browser, your agreements can be found by selecting My Clients in the left-hand menu bar and then selecting My agreement beneath the relevant job.