
Streamlined agreement creation for support workers

Registered Nurse in lounge room adds support notes to the Mable platform on tablet.


Streamlined agreement creation for support workers

Registered Nurse in lounge room adds support notes to the Mable platform on tablet.


We understand that it can be frustrating to fill out numerous forms, and to feel like you can’t plan your support sessions properly. That’s why we have updated the way support workers create agreements on the Mable platform.

What’s changed

On the Mable platform, agreement creation has been streamlined into a simple three-step process:

  1. Service and rates
  2. My terms
  3. Planned sessions

You can also book provisional sessions, so you and your client can see and manage future sessions, all while your agreement is being finalised.

We’ve also removed some of the unnecessary booking actions, such as the need to send and respond to planned session invites.

What these changes mean

These changes mean that you can better plan and reflect how you intend to support your clients and their needs through planned sessions.

In turn, this will help to manage client expectations of the support session.

How it works

Create a new agreement using the existing Create agreement process on either the web or the Mable mobile app.


  1. Provide service and rate details for the agreement.
  2. Enter any service terms you have for the new agreement.
  3. Finally, plan any agreed provisional sessions. Support workers can add or maintain sessions later from within the Manage sessions page.

How to plan a session

  1. Click on Plan a session
  2. Provide session details and click Plan session
  3. The client and support worker calendars will be updated to include the new session – you do not need to action the invite.

If you have any questions, please contact our Australia-based customer support team via Live Chat for quick and immediate assistance
