Mable is following State and Territory mandates and supporting aged care and disability support workers to comply with current government Public Health Orders, Directions or Declarations. Please refer to the guidance for your State or Territory below.
To check if you’re eligible for a COVID-19 booster dose, please visit the Department of Health and Aged Care.
By continuing to provide services on Mable, all independent support workers acknowledge that they have met and will continue to meet any current vaccination requirements in their State and Territory, and for the services they are offering.
Support providers, please note that if there are no current vaccination requirements for the services you are offering in your State or Territory, you can select “yes” when you self-declare that you are up to date with your State or Territory’s requirements if you are not vaccinated against COVID-19.
Mable and clients have the right to request from you evidence supporting your COVID-19 vaccination status. Support providers also have a right to decline this request. If having a worker who has had COVID-19 vaccinations is important to a particular client and the support provider does not wish to provide evidence of vaccination status, the client can terminate the agreement and seek an alternative support provider.
We encourage you to bookmark and regularly visit this page, to ensure you continue to meet COVID-19 vaccination compliance requirements as government Public Health Orders may continue to be updated.
To book COVID-19 vaccination – including boosters – there are various ways to do so:
Independent support workers should check below for details about vaccination requirements in their state or territory.
Visit the ACT COVID-19 website for any current Public Health Directions relating to COVID-19.
Visit NT Health for any current Public Health Directions relating to COVID-19.
Visit NSW Health for any current Public Health Directions relating to COVID-19.
Visit Queensland Health for any current Public Health Directions relating to COVID-19.
Visit the South Australia Legislation website for any current Public Health Directions relating to COVID-19.
Visit Tasmania’s Department of Health for more information.
Visit Victoria’s Department of Health for any current Public Health Directions relating to COVID-19. Please note that all the orders under the ‘Revoked Orders’ heading are not currently in place.
Visit the Government of Western Australia website for any current Public Health Declarations relating to COVID-19.
In addition to considering a COVID-19 vaccination, Mable encourages both clients and support providers to continually practise good hygiene and to take all steps necessary to prevent the spread of illnesses or viruses during a support session. This may include continuing to wear a mask, a support provider staying home when they are sick or using hand sanitiser when coming into contact with high touch surfaces.
For more information on health and safety in the home, support providers may access the Learning Hub.
We acknowledge the cultures of our First Nations Peoples and are thankful for the community that we share together now. We pay our respects to our First Nations Peoples and their elders/leaders, both past and present, and those who are rising up to become leaders.
Mable is a part of Attain Healthtech, dedicated to helping people attain better outcomes.
©2025 Mable Technologies Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.